Embedded jetty with json/xml response Embedded jetty with json/xml response json json

Embedded jetty with json/xml response

I suggest you use Jersey java REST framework (http://jersey.java.net/). The framework is easy to learn. You can use Object to Xml converter like JAXB to make your life easier.

Hmm. I had the same problem. I solved it by having a utility jar file that reads a properties file to configure contexts for Jersey Servlets, handlers, static files, exploded webapps etc in such a way that the resulting application jar configures the contexts automagically and is run from the command line.

Basically I have a HandlerCollection and successively add the servlets to it.

ServletHolder servletHolder = new ServletHolder(ServletContainer.class);servletHolder.setInitParameter(  "com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages",   clazz.getPackage().getName());ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(  server,   "/some_path",   ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS);context.setClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());context.addServlet(servletHolder, "/");context.setHandler(handler);handlers.addHandler(context);

Then I have an example Jersey servlet:

@Path("/user1")public class JerseyResource1 {  public JerseyResource1() {  }  @GET  @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })  public ExamplePojo getUser() {    log.debug("Inside ExampleJerseyResource1 getUser()");    ExamplePojo pojo = new ExamplePojo();    pojo.setNumber(100);    pojo.setWords("hello world 1");    return pojo;  }


The first calls gets a perf hit as Jersey configures stuff, but it works just peachy.

A junit test looks like this:

@BeforeClasspublic static void setUpClass() throws Exception {    Thread startupThread = new Thread() {        @Override        public void run() {            try {                System.out.println("Starting Jetty...");                JettyMain.main(new String[] {});                // CHECKSTYLE_OFF: Because it does throw Exception!            } catch (Exception ex) {                // CHECKSTYLE_ON                System.err.println("Error Starting Jetty: " + ex);            }        }    };    startupThread.start();    System.out.println("Waiting a few seconds to ensure Jetty is started");    Thread.sleep(2000);    System.out.println("Ok. Starting tests");}@AfterClasspublic static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {  ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();  Client client = Client.create(config);  WebResource service = client.resource(    UriBuilder.fromUri(     "http://localhost:8080/admin/stop?secret=YourSecret"     ).build());    service.get(String.class);    System.out.println("Sent stop command");}@Testpublic void testJersey1() {    System.out.println("Jersey1 returns correct 200 and body");    ClientResponse response = getService(      "http://localhost:8080/jersey1/user1/"      ).get(ClientResponse.class);    assertEquals("Response is 200", 200, response.getStatus());    assertEquals(      "Valid body",       "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"      + "<examplePojo><number>100</number><words>hello world 1</words></examplePojo>",       response.getEntity(String.class)    );    System.out.println("--> WORKED!");}

CURL calls look like this:

# Show static public files folder:curl -v http://localhost:8080/public/x.htmlcurl -v http://localhost:8080/public/x.txt# Use baseline handlers:curl -v http://localhost:8080/handler1/?url=hellocurl -v http://localhost:8080/handler2/?url=hello# Use raw servlets with specific contexts:curl -v http://localhost:8080/servlet1?url=hellocurl -v http://localhost:8080/servlet2?url=hello# Call a Jersey servlet using default Accept header (xml):curl -v http://localhost:8080/jersey1/user1/curl -v http://localhost:8080/jersey2/user2/# Request Jersey servlet but want JSON:curl -v --header "Accept:application/json" http://localhost:8080/jersey1/user1/# Use an exploded webapp:curl -v http://localhost:8080/www/x.html# Stop the server:curl -v http://localhost:8080/admin/stop?secret=MySecret

Er... The following is not a plug. Seriously. It might be refused by the company...

I have a complete solution by which 1 jar file is added as a dependency and several tiny files (app.properties, classpath.sh, log4j.properties and run.sh) that completely configure a Jetty8 instance for numerous contexts, Handlers, Servlets, JerseyServlets, StaticFiles and ExplodedWebApps. The result is a self contained executable Jar that restarts, reloads, stops etc with almost zero effort. An added benefit is that it can act as a pseudo-classloader and avoids jar-hell. (A side effect is that mvn clean test works against it also)

If any one is interested, ping me and I can see if the company will allow me to OpenSource it and get it up on GitHub.Or perhaps even document it via my own site http://www.randomactsofsentience.com

Just FYI on embedded Jetty in general... I have created a github project that I humbly submit may cover most of the embedded jetty issues that keep cropping up. See https://github.com/ZenGirl/EmbeddedJettyRepository for details.