Encoding php array into js variable Missing some data? [duplicate] Encoding php array into js variable Missing some data? [duplicate] json json

Encoding php array into js variable Missing some data? [duplicate]

if you want to encode your data then your array should look like this one...

Also I commented a line if you want to access to any element of your array.

I tested it minutes ago, now you only need to connect it using an $http service from angularjs to connect this Backend.

I hope it helps :)

<?phperror_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors',1);$array=array(    "id"=>1,    "tag"=>2,    "title"=>"Test",    "job_submission_id"=>0,    "job_id"=>14,    "candidate_id"=>55,    "mail_to"=>"test@gmail.com",    "cc_to"=>"test@gmail.com",    "interviewer"=>"test@gmail.com",    "interview_type"=>1,    "interview_date"=>"2017-10-04",    "from_time"=>"00:00:00",    "to_time"=>"01:00:00",    "to_date"=>"",    "location"=>"",    "time_zone"=>"Asia/Kolkata",    "status"=>1,    "comments"=>"dwedfwef",    "created_by"=>1,    "modified_by"=>1,    "created_at"=>"2017-10-03 12:21:13",    "updated_at"=>"2017-10-03 12:21:13",    "job_title"=>"Test",    "candidate_name"=>"New t",    "candidates"=>array(        "id"=>55,        "first_name"=>"New",        "last_name"=>"t"    ),    "jobs"=>array(        "id"=>14,        "code"=>10,        "title"=>"Test"    ),    "interview_docs"=>array(        "0"=>array(                "id"=>1,                "interview_id"=>1,                "unique_name"=>"2017_10_roa2XKlIDc9gmzmO7TK37rsfuX3YRigqUxbvIYWe.txt",                "name"=>"first.png"        ),        "1"=>array(                "id"=>2,                "interview_id"=>1,                "unique_name"=>"2017_10_6RaAm3MU5ZZ1x4l3q8VLYNhUkgvS3v2ljNZVizm1.png",                "name"=>"Screenshot (15).png"        )    ));// echo "unique_name from interview_docs is: <b>".$array["interview_docs"][0]["unique_name"]."</b><br><br>"; // You can access to data like this :)echo json_encode($array);?>

First you have to die() it encoding to JSON and then you can console.log() it at .js:
