Exception Invalid Limit Clauses - Android Exception Invalid Limit Clauses - Android json json

Exception Invalid Limit Clauses - Android

These are the parameters of the query() method:

Cursor c = _Db.query(        TABLE_NAME,               // table        new String[] {"max(ID)"}, // columns        null,                     // selection        null,                     // selectionArgs        null,                     // groupBy        null,                     // having        COMMAND,                  // orderBy        param_str);               // limit

The orderBy and limit parameters do not make sense. To find the largest ID in the entire table, these parameters must be null.

Anyway, there is a helper function that makes it reasier to read a single number from the database without having to muck around with a cursor:

long lastID = DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(_Db, "SELECT max(ID) FROM "+TABLE_NAME, null);

And if you had declared the ID column as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, it would be autoincremented, and you would not have to set it manually.