Facebook graph api. Get photos from albums Facebook graph api. Get photos from albums json json

Facebook graph api. Get photos from albums

Actually there is a better way to achieve this, nesting the request

Passing albums as a parameter, and then filter the fields from the connection photos that you want to, for example here I got just everything I need from albums and photos, also this results can be limited


You may only use fields with properties that exists for objects.

By issuing GET request to next URL you'll get list of albums ids only:


Same can be achieved by running next FQL query on album table:

SELECT aid FROM album WHERE owner=me()

Actually albums connection of user doesn't really contain list of photo objects but album (which have photos connection). So to get photos owned by user you'll need iterate over all of his object and getting photos for every album. Again you may use fields argument to limit resulting data. This can be done faster if using batch requests.

Or With FQL it may be done like this (two tables photo and album involved):

SELECT pid FROM photo WHERE aid IN (SELECT aid FROM album WHERE owner=me())

Another possible solution is getting album ids first and then iterate over them making this API call:


I tested this in graph explorer and it retrieved a reasonable (and readable) json object