field must be of BSON type object field must be of BSON type object json json

field must be of BSON type object

Your filter variable is an array, not an object and a find() query accepts an object, not an array. Your final filter object should have this structure, for example

var filter = {    "$and": [        { sel: parseInt(query.idx) },        { admn: parseInt(query.idx)}    ],    "$or": [        { uid: {$exists: false} },        { uid: 0 },        { uid: null}    ]}

So you need to change the part

var filter = [];filter.push({$and: andQry});// = [$and : {andQry}, {$or: orQry}];logger.debug("filter : ",filter);


var filter = {};filter["$and"] = andQry;filter["$or"] = orQry;logger.debug("filter : ",filter);

Find expected values in the particular date range to get an output by using Find() Keyword , to get all the array of listed outputs use All()

    db := GetDB()    defer db.Session.Close()    var tempMeet []models.Meetings    gtQuery := bson.M{"$gt": start}    ltQuery := bson.M{"$lt": end}    pipe := bson.M{        "$and": []bson.M{            bson.M{"startTime": gtQuery},            bson.M{"endTime": ltQuery},        },    }    shared.BsonToJSONPrint(pipe)    err := db.C(models.COLLECTIONNAME).Find(pipe).All(&tempMeet)    if err != nil {        fmt.Println(err)        return nil, errors.New(err.Error())    }    return tempMeet, nil