Filter Array Using Checkboxes with AngularJS Filter Array Using Checkboxes with AngularJS json json

Filter Array Using Checkboxes with AngularJS


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<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">    <div>      <div>          Search: <input name="company" type="text" class="search-input" ng-model="query"/>       </div>    <div ng-init="pantsGroup = (players | groupBy:'pants')">        <div ng-repeat="pants in pantsGroup" >            <b><input type="checkbox" ng-model="usePants[$index]"/>{{pants}}</b>            <span>({{(players | filter:pants).length}})</span>        </div>    </div>    <div>        <ul>        <li ng-repeat="player in players | filter:query | filter:filterPants()">            <p><b>{{}}</b></p>            <p>{{player.shirt}} {{player.pants}}, {{}}</p>        </li>        </ul>        </div>    </div></div>


var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);function MyCtrl($scope, filterFilter) {    $scope.usePants = [];    $scope.filterPants = function () {        return function (p) {            for (var i in $scope.usePants) {                return (p.pants == $scope.pantsGroup[i] && $scope.usePants[i]);            }        };    };    $scope.players = [        {name: 'Bruce Wayne', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'},        {name: 'Wayne Gretzky', shirt: 'XL', pants: '38', shoes: '10'},        {name: 'Michael Jordan', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'},        {name: 'Rodman', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '11'},        {name: 'Jake Smitz', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'},        {name: 'Will Will', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'},        {name: 'Youasdf Oukls', shirt: 'XL', pants: '38', shoes: '10'},        {name: 'Sam Sneed', shirt: 'XL', pants: '38', shoes: '10'},        {name: 'Bill Waxy', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'},        {name: 'Javier Xavior', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'},        {name: 'Bill Knight', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'},                {name: 'One More', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'},                {name: 'Player One', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '11'},        {name: 'Space Cadet', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'},        {name: 'Player Two', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'}    ];     $scope.$watch('filtered', function (newValue) {        if (angular.isArray(newValue)) {            console.log(newValue.length);        }    }, true);    }myApp.filter('count', function() {    return function(collection, key) {      var out = "test";      for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {          //console.log(collection[i].pants);          //var out = myApp.filter('filter')(collection[i].pants, "42", true);      }      return out;    }});var uniqueItems = function (data, key) {    var result = new Array();    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {        var value = data[i][key];        if (result.indexOf(value) == -1) {            result.push(value);        }    }    return result;};myApp.filter('groupBy',            function () {                return function (collection, key) {                    if (collection === null) return;                    return uniqueItems(collection, key);        };    });

Full optimzed js Code

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);var selected;var uniqueItems = function (data, key) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var value = data[i][key]; if (result.indexOf(value) == -1) { result.push(value); } } return result;};var fliter = function(totalData,selectedData,equalData){ var filterAfter = []; selected = false; for (var j in totalData) { var p = totalData[j]; for (var i in selectedData) { if (selectedData[i]) { selected = true; if (i == p[equalData]) { filterAfter.push(p); break; } } } } if (!selected) { filterAfter = totalData; } return filterAfter;}function MyCtrl($scope, filterFilter) { $scope.usePants = {}; $scope.useShirts = {}; $scope.useShoes = {}; $scope.players = [ {name: 'Bruce Wayne', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'}, {name: 'Wayne Gretzky', shirt: 'XL', pants: '38', shoes: '10'}, {name: 'Michael Jordan', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'}, {name: 'Rodman', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '11'}, {name: 'Jake Smitz', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'}, {name: 'Will Will', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'}, {name: 'Youasdf Oukls', shirt: 'XL', pants: '38', shoes: '10'}, {name: 'Sam Sneed', shirt: 'XL', pants: '38', shoes: '10'}, {name: 'Bill Waxy', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'}, {name: 'Javier Xavior', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'}, {name: 'Bill Knight', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'}, {name: 'One More', shirt: 'M', pants: '32', shoes: '9'}, {name: 'Player One', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '11'}, {name: 'Space Cadet', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'}, {name: 'Player Two', shirt: 'XXL', pants: '42', shoes: '12'} ]; // Watch the pants that are selected $scope.$watch(function () { return { players: $scope.players, usePants: $scope.usePants, useShirts: $scope.useShirts, useShoes: $scope.useShoes } }, function (value) { $scope.count = function (prop, value) { return function (el) { return el[prop] == value; }; }; $scope.pantsGroup = uniqueItems($scope.players, 'pants'); $scope.shirtsGroup = uniqueItems($scope.players, 'shirt'); $scope.shoesGroup = uniqueItems($scope.players, 'shoes'); var fliterType = [{selected : $scope.usePants,fliter : 'pants'},{selected : $scope.useShirts,fliter : 'shirt'},{selected : $scope.useShoes,fliter : 'shoes'}]; var startFliter = $scope.players; for(var i in fliterType){ var startFliter = fliter(startFliter,fliterType[i].selected,fliterType[i].fliter); } $scope.filteredPlayers = startFliter; }, true);}