Filter values of multiple properties with an array of values Filter values of multiple properties with an array of values json json

Filter values of multiple properties with an array of values

From the question it looks as if you want to filter a list where the values in each item contains every keyword:

    var keywords = ['Google', 'Sweden'];    var result = _.filter(data, function(item){        return _.every(keywords, function(keyword){            return _.some(item, function(value){                return _.isString(value) && value.indexOf(keyword) != -1;            })        });    });

Perhaps something like this (note, probably not the most efficient one). Doesn't handle lowercase, but it's simple to add.

var stuff = [  {    "id": 2,    "name": "Google",    "country": "Sweden"  },  {    "id": 3,    "name": "Google",    "country": "USA"  },  {    "id": 9,    "name": "Google",    "country": "Ukraine"  },  {    "id": 10,    "name": "Bing",    "country": "Sweden"  }];var searchTerm = 'Google Sweden';var searchTermArr = searchTerm.split(' ');var results = [];var obj;searchTermArr.forEach(function (val, index, arr) {    obj = _(stuff)      .filter(function (s) {          return JSON.stringify(s).indexOf(val) > -1;      }).value();    results = results.concat(obj);});console.log(_.unique(results));

Version A shapes the result for the whole data set to the wanted set which iterates throu the search words.

var data = [{        "id": 2,        "name": "Google",        "country": "Sweden"    }, {        "id": 3,        "name": "Google",        "country": "USA"    }, {        "id": 9,        "name": "Google",        "country": "Ukraine"    }, {        "id": 10,        "name": "Bing",        "country": "Sweden"    }];function search(s) {    var searchA = s.split(' ').map(function (a) { return a.toLowerCase(); });    var result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));    searchA.forEach(function (a) {        result = result.reduce(function (res, el) {            var i;            for (i in el) {                if (~('' + el[i]).toLowerCase().indexOf(a)) {                    res.push(el);                    break;                }            }            return res;        }, []);    });    return result;}out('search for \'google sweden\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('google sweden'), null, 4), true);out('search for \'bing\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('bing'), null, 4), true);out('search for \'IN\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('IN'), null, 4), true);out('search for \'x\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('x'), null, 4), true);function out(s, pre) {    var descriptionNode = document.createElement('div');    if (pre) {        var preNode = document.createElement('pre');        preNode.innerHTML = s + '<br>';        descriptionNode.appendChild(preNode);    } else {        descriptionNode.innerHTML = s + '<br>';    }    document.getElementById('out0').appendChild(descriptionNode);}
<div id="out0"></div>

Version B with different approach. Here I collect the objects who match the requirements.

var data = [{        "id": 2,        "name": "Google",        "country": "Sweden"    }, {        "id": 3,        "name": "Google",        "country": "USA"    }, {        "id": 9,        "name": "Google",        "country": "Ukraine"    }, {        "id": 10,        "name": "Bing",        "country": "Sweden"    }];function search(s) {    var searchA = s.split(' ').map(function (a) { return a.toLowerCase(); });    return data.reduce(function (res, el) {        var i, found = 0;        for (i in el) {            found += searchA.some(function (a) {                return ~('' + el[i]).toLowerCase().indexOf(a);            });        }        found === searchA.length && res.push(el);        return res;    }, []);}out('search for \'google sweden\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('google sweden'), null, 4), true);out('search for \'bing\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('bing'), null, 4), true);out('search for \'IN\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('IN'), null, 4), true);out('search for \'x\'\n' + JSON.stringify(search('x'), null, 4), true);function out(s, pre) {    var descriptionNode = document.createElement('div');    if (pre) {        var preNode = document.createElement('pre');        preNode.innerHTML = s + '<br>';        descriptionNode.appendChild(preNode);    } else {        descriptionNode.innerHTML = s + '<br>';    }    document.getElementById('out').appendChild(descriptionNode);}
<div id="out"></div>