Find max value from column that has a json object with key-value pairs Find max value from column that has a json object with key-value pairs json json

Find max value from column that has a json object with key-value pairs

Presto's UNNEST performance got improved in Presto 316. However, you don't need UNNEST in this case.

You can

Use query like

SELECT     id,    reduce(        -- conver JSON to array of key/value pairs        map_entries(CAST(data AS map(varchar, double))),        -- initial state for reduce (must be same type as key/value pairs)        (CAST(NULL AS varchar), -1e0), -- assuming your values cannot be negative        -- reduction function        (state, element) -> if(state[2] > element[2], state, element),        -- reduce output function        state -> state[1]    ) AS topFROM (VALUES    (1, JSON '{"Item1":7.3, "Item2":1.3, "Item3":9.8}'),    (4, JSON '{"Item6":0.9, "Item7":11.2, "Item4":8.1}'),    (5, JSON '{}'),    (6, NULL)) t(id, data);


 id |  top----+-------  1 | Item3  4 | Item7  5 | NULL  6 | NULL(4 rows)

Store the values one per row in a child table.

CREATE TABLE child ( id INT NOT NULL, item VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL, value DECIMAL(9,1), PRIMARY KEY (id, item));

You don't have to do a join to find the largest per group, just use a window function:

WITH cte AS (  SELECT id, item, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY value DESC) AS rownum  FROM mytable)SELECT * FROM cte WHERE rownum = 1;

Solving this with JSON is a bad idea. It makes your table denormalized, it makes the queries harder to design, and I predict it will make the query performance worse.