Flutter: JSON Loop Flutter: JSON Loop json json

Flutter: JSON Loop

You could use the following snippet:

  void iterateJson(String jsonStr) {    Map<String, dynamic> myMap = json.decode(jsonStr);    List<dynamic> entitlements = myMap["Dependents"][0]["Entitlements"];    entitlements.forEach((entitlement) {      (entitlement as Map<String, dynamic>).forEach((key, value) {        print(key);        (value as Map<String, dynamic>).forEach((key2, value2) {          print(key2);          print(value2);        });      });    });  }

Although you could possibly simplify a little the 'entitlements' field if you don't care about the order by removing the list and leaving just one map:

"Entitlements": {              "GP": {                "Entitlement": "10000",                "Utilisation": "500",                "Balance": "9500"              },              "OPS": {                "Entitlement": "10000",                "Utilisation": "500",                "Balance": "9500"              },              "IP": {                "Entitlement": "10000",                "Utilisation": "500",                "Balance": "9500"              }            }

You have information there : http://cogitas.net/parse-json-dart-flutter/

Example from the page :

void _parseJsonForCrossword(String jsonString) {Map decoded = JSON.decode(jsonString);String name = decoded['name']; print(name); int id = decoded['id']; print(id.toString()); for (var word in decoded['across']) {   print(word['number'].toString());   print(word['word']); }}