frontend-maven-plugin can't "bower install" frontend-maven-plugin can't "bower install" json json

frontend-maven-plugin can't "bower install"

  1. Set your M3_HOME path to use "mvn clean install" without sudo
  2. Set 777 priveledges for "target" folders in project and other locked folders in web module
  3. In pom.xml file in web module add this:

                <execution>                <id>install node and npm</id>                <goals>                    <goal>install-node-and-npm</goal>                </goals>                <configuration>                    <nodeVersion>v0.12.2</nodeVersion>                    <npmVersion>2.7.6</npmVersion>                </configuration>            </execution>            <execution>                <id>npm install</id>                <goals>                    <goal>npm</goal>                </goals>                <!-- Optional configuration which provides for running any npm command -->                <configuration>                    <arguments>install</arguments>                </configuration>            </execution>            <execution>                <id>bower install</id>                <goals>                    <goal>bower</goal>                </goals>                <configuration>                    <arguments>install</arguments>                </configuration>            </execution>

use trick :

        <execution>            <id>npm install</id>            <goals>                <goal>npm</goal>            </goals>            <configuration>                <arguments>install bower</arguments>            </configuration>        </execution>