Get facebook email after login in Android Get facebook email after login in Android json json

Get facebook email after login in Android

You need the email permission to read the users email adress.That will add a email tag in your json-response from [uid] or me requests.


Provides access to the user's primary email address in the email property. Do not spam users. Your use of email must comply both with Facebook policies and with the CAN-SPAM Act.

Source: Permissions

Do it when you are clicking Login button:

  OpenRequest openRequest = new OpenRequest(this);  List<String> readPermissions = new ArrayList<String>();  readPermissions.add("email");  openRequest.setPermissions(readPermissions);  openRequest.setLoginBehavior(SessionLoginBehavior.SSO_WITH_FALLBACK);  openRequest.setCallback(statusCallback);  session.openForRead(openRequest);

Another option to retrieve email in Facebook SDK 3.0.x is by using this open source library:


  • First, use this permission

  • Then, login

  • And then, get the profile

    mSimpleFacebook.getProfile(new OnProfileRequestAdapter(){    @Override    public void onComplete(Profile profile)    {        String id = profile.getId();        String firstName = profile.getFirstName();        String birthday = profile.getBirthday();        String email = profile.getEmail();        String bio = profile.getBio();        // ... and many more properties of profile ...    }});

Full examples are explained here including permissions stuff and other simplified methods (like: publish feeds, get friends and more...)