Getting an Alexa Slot value out of an intent Getting an Alexa Slot value out of an intent json json

Getting an Alexa Slot value out of an intent

Since I had a lot of trouble with this, a more concrete answer (now) is:

'PersonIntent': function () {    var text = 'Hello ' + this.event.request.intent.slots.FirstPerson.value;    this.emit(':tell', text);},

With this intent schema:

{    "intents": [        {            "intent": "PersonIntent",            "slots": [                {                    "name": "FirstPerson",                    "type": "AMAZON.DE_FIRST_NAME"                }            ]        }    ]}

This is an example of an intent with your structure:

"intent": {    "name": "MovieIntent",    "slots": {     "string": {        "name": "Movie",        "value": "Titanic"     }  }}

So, this means that the Intent you are using is named: Movie Intent (the one you set in your Interaction Model). And you will get the value this way:

var movieSlot = intent.slots.Movie.value;

As of Jul, 2019: You can access it in your intent handler as follows

if (handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots.SLOTNAME === undefined) {    text = 'Hello! SLOTNAME not identified';} else {    text = 'Hello!, SLOTNAME identified: ' + handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots.SLOTNAME.value;}

Replace SLOTNAME with your slot name.It is also very important that undefined is just as it is as an object, and not undefined