Getting NLog to send out JSON with proper headers? Getting NLog to send out JSON with proper headers? json json

Getting NLog to send out JSON with proper headers?

Looking at the HttpNetworkSender source, I don't see an obvious way to pass in a content type to the WebRequest.

I think you will have to create a custom target based on the NetworkTarget which uses a custom HttpNetworkSender, and include config to set the content-type on the WebRequest Appropriately.

NLog ver. 4.5 WebService Target has the ability to configure custom headers.

<target xsi:type="WebService"         name="CouchDB"         url=""         protocol="JsonPost"         encoding="utf-8">      <parameter layout="FileLayout" />      <header name="Content-Type" layout="application/json" /></target>

See also

In case someone still stumble on this, here is simple demo for custom http target (NLog v4.x.x).

public class WebPostTarget : Target{    public string ServerUrl { get; set; }    private readonly HttpClient _client = new HttpClient();    protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)    {        PostData(new [] { logEvent.AsLogModel() });     }    protected override void Write(AsyncLogEventInfo[] logEvents)    {        var data = logEvents.Select(x => x.LogEvent.AsLogModel()).ToArray();        PostData(data);    }    private void PostData(object data)    {        if (!ServerUrl.IsNullOrEmpty())        {            // add your custom headers to the client if you need to             _client.PostJsonAsync(ServerUrl, data).FireAndForget();        }    }}// HttpClientExtensionspublic static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostJsonAsync(this HttpClient client, string url, object data){    return await client.PostAsync(url, new StringContent(data.ToJson(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));}

From configuration code:

var asyncWebTarget = new AsyncTargetWrapper(){    Name = "web_batch_logServer",    BatchSize = 100,    TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 1000,    OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Grow,    WrappedTarget = new WebPostTarget { ServerUrl = logServerUrl }};