Handle JSON Object in XMLHttp response in Excel VBA Code Handle JSON Object in XMLHttp response in Excel VBA Code json json

Handle JSON Object in XMLHttp response in Excel VBA Code

The code gets the data from nseindia site which comes as a JSON string in responseDiv element.

Required References

enter image description here

3 Class Module i have used

  • cJSONScript
  • cStringBuilder
  • JSON

(I have picked these class modules from here)

You may download the file from this link

Standard Module

Const URl As String = "http://www.nseindia.com/live_market/dynaContent/live_watch/get_quote/GetQuote.jsp?symbol=ICICIBANK"Sub xmlHttp()    Dim xmlHttp As Object    Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")    xmlHttp.Open "GET", URl & "&rnd=" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 99), False    xmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"    xmlHttp.send    Dim html As MSHTML.HTMLDocument    Set html = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument    html.body.innerHTML = xmlHttp.ResponseText    Dim divData As Object    Set divData = html.getElementById("responseDiv")    '?divData.innerHTML    ' Here you will get a string which is a JSON data    Dim strDiv As String, startVal As Long, endVal As Long    strDiv = divData.innerHTML    startVal = InStr(1, strDiv, "data", vbTextCompare)    endVal = InStr(startVal, strDiv, "]", vbTextCompare)    strDiv = "{" & Mid(strDiv, startVal - 1, (endVal - startVal) + 2) & "}"    Dim JSON As New JSON    Dim p As Object    Set p = JSON.parse(strDiv)    i = 1    For Each item In p("data")(1)       Cells(i, 1) = item       Cells(i, 2) = p("data")(1)(item)        i = i + 1    Next End Sub

I've had a lot of success with the following library:


The library uses Scripting.Dictionary for Objects and Collection for Arrays and I haven't had any issues with parsing pretty complex json files.

As for more info on parsing json yourself, check out this question for some background on issues surrounding the JScriptTypeInfo object returned from the sc.Eval call:

Excel VBA: Parsed JSON Object Loop

Finally, for some helpful classes for working with XMLHTTPRequest, a little plug for my project, VBA-Web:


I know this is an old question but I've created a simple way to interact with Json from web requests. Where i've wrapped the web request as well.

Available here

You need the following code as a class module called Json

Public Enum ResponseFormat    Text    JsonEnd EnumPrivate pResponseText As StringPrivate pResponseJsonPrivate pScriptControl As Object'Request method returns the responsetext and optionally will fill out json or xml objectsPublic Function request(url As String, Optional postParameters As String = "", Optional format As ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json) As String    Dim xml    Dim requestType As String    If postParameters <> "" Then        requestType = "POST"    Else        requestType = "GET"    End If    Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")    xml.Open requestType, url, False    xml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"    xml.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"    If postParameters <> "" Then        xml.send (postParameters)    Else        xml.send    End If    pResponseText = xml.ResponseText    request = pResponseText    Select Case format        Case Json            SetJson    End SelectEnd FunctionPrivate Sub SetJson()    Dim qt As String    qt = """"    Set pScriptControl = CreateObject("scriptcontrol")    pScriptControl.Language = "JScript"    pScriptControl.eval "var obj=(" & pResponseText & ")"    'pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "var rootObj = null"    pScriptControl.AddCode "function getObject(){return obj;}"    'pScriptControl.eval "var rootObj=obj[" & qt & "query" & qt & "]"    pScriptControl.AddCode "function getRootObject(){return rootObj;}"    pScriptControl.AddCode "function getCount(){ return rootObj.length;}"    pScriptControl.AddCode "function getBaseValue(){return baseValue;}"    pScriptControl.AddCode "function getValue(){ return arrayValue;}"    Set pResponseJson = pScriptControl.Run("getObject")End SubPublic Function setJsonRoot(rootPath As String)    If rootPath = "" Then        pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "rootObj = obj"    Else        pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "rootObj = obj." & rootPath    End If    Set setJsonRoot = pScriptControl.Run("getRootObject")End FunctionPublic Function getJsonObjectCount()    getJsonObjectCount = pScriptControl.Run("getCount")End FunctionPublic Function getJsonObjectValue(path As String)    pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "baseValue = obj." & path    getJsonObjectValue = pScriptControl.Run("getBaseValue")End FunctionPublic Function getJsonArrayValue(index, key As String)    Dim qt As String    qt = """"    If InStr(key, ".") > 0 Then        arr = Split(key, ".")        key = ""        For Each cKey In arr            key = key + "[" & qt & cKey & qt & "]"        Next    Else        key = "[" & qt & key & qt & "]"    End If    Dim statement As String    statement = "arrayValue = rootObj[" & index & "]" & key    pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement statement    getJsonArrayValue = pScriptControl.Run("getValue", index, key)End FunctionPublic Property Get ResponseText() As String    ResponseText = pResponseTextEnd PropertyPublic Property Get ResponseJson()    ResponseJson = pResponseJsonEnd PropertyPublic Property Get ScriptControl() As Object    ScriptControl = pScriptControlEnd Property

Example Usage (from ThisWorkbook):

Sub Example()    Dim j    'clear current range    Range("A2:A1000").ClearContents    'create ajax object    Set j = New Json    'make yql request for json    j.request "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=show%20tables&format=json&callback=&diagnostics=true"    'Debug.Print j.ResponseText    'set root of data    Set obj = j.setJsonRoot("query.results.table")    Dim index    'determine the total number of records returned    index = j.getJsonObjectCount    'if you need a field value from the object that is not in the array    'tempValue = j.getJsonObjectValue("query.created")    Dim x As Long    x = 2    If index > 0 Then        For i = 0 To index - 1            'set cell to the value of content field            Range("A" & x).value = j.getJsonArrayValue(i, "content")            x = x + 1        Next    Else        MsgBox "No items found."    End IfEnd Sub