Hive : How to explode a JSON column with an array, and embedded in a CSV file? Hive : How to explode a JSON column with an array, and embedded in a CSV file? json json

Hive : How to explode a JSON column with an array, and embedded in a CSV file?

I was having similar kind of requirement. The solution from this link helped me solve it.BTW, below is the query for your requirement assuming all the columns in your DB_TABLE are of type 'String'.

    SELECT ProductId,       IngestTime,       split(split(results,",")[0],':')[1] AS OrderId,       regexp_replace(split(split(results,",")[1],':')[1], "[\\]|}]", "") AS OrderLocation    FROM       (SELECT ProductId,             IngestTime,             split(translate(ProductOrders, '"\\[|]|\""',''), "},") AS r       FROM DB_TABLE) t1 LATERAL VIEW explode(r) rr AS results