How can I highlight which marker has been clicked in my leaflet map (nuxt/vue) How can I highlight which marker has been clicked in my leaflet map (nuxt/vue) json json

How can I highlight which marker has been clicked in my leaflet map (nuxt/vue)

My suggestion is:

When a marker is selected, add a class to the html element, which adds a drop shadow, and scales the icon:

.markerSelected {  transform: scale(1.5);  filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.5));}

Also, for capturing the events, I recommend using event bubbling. to achieve this, add your @click to the parent element, and then find the clicked icon using

Once you have the emitted event, set a selectedId data parameter to the ID of the item selected. I am assuming here that walking vs restaurant id's are unique, and there will be no clashes.

Then, update the HTML as follows:

<l-marker                  v-for="restaurant in restaurants"                  :key=""                  :lat-lng="restaurant.latlong"                  :icon="eatIcon"                  :class=" === selectedId ? 'markerSelected' : ''"                ></l-marker>

Have a read of this: Event.Target

and another good post on here: How to bubble events in vue