How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form? How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form? json json

How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form?

I modified my response to include the code for a test app I did.

Update: I have updated the jQuery to set the 'traditional' setting to true so this will work again (per @DustinDavis' answer).

First the javascript:

function test(){    var stringArray = new Array();    stringArray[0] = "item1";    stringArray[1] = "item2";    stringArray[2] = "item3";    var postData = { values: stringArray };    $.ajax({        type: "POST",        url: "/Home/SaveList",        data: postData,        success: function(data){            alert(data.Result);        },        dataType: "json",        traditional: true    });}

And here's the code in my controller class:

public JsonResult SaveList(List<String> values){    return Json(new { Result = String.Format("Fist item in list: '{0}'", values[0]) });}

When I call that javascript function, I get an alert saying "First item in list: 'item1'". Hope this helps!

FYI: JQuery changed the way they serialize post data.

You have to set the 'Traditional' setting to true, other wise

{ Values : ["1", "2", "3"] }

will come out as


instead of


Thanks everyone for the answers. Another quick solution will be to use jQuery.param method with traditional parameter set to true to convert JSON object to string:

$.post("/your/url", $.param(yourJsonObject,true));