How can I retrieve JSON from an HTTP endpoint, from within Excel on MacOS, and parse it? How can I retrieve JSON from an HTTP endpoint, from within Excel on MacOS, and parse it? json json

How can I retrieve JSON from an HTTP endpoint, from within Excel on MacOS, and parse it?

you can acutally use the Worksheets(0).QueryTable method in VBA. Just have a look at the manual or google for it. So you don't have to store your json string into a cell.

Or I have used something like

Public Function GetWebSource(ByRef URL As String) As String    Dim xml As IXMLHTTPRequest    On Error Resume Next    Set xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")    With xml        .Open "GET", URL, False        .send        GetWebSource = .responseText    End With    Set xml = NothingEnd Function

to download an json string.

Look around for parsers. Somehting like Parsing JSON in Excel VBA should fill your needs.