How can I set a tab width for JSON files? How can I set a tab width for JSON files? json json

How can I set a tab width for JSON files?

(add-hook 'json-mode-hook          (lambda ()            (make-local-variable 'js-indent-level)            (setq js-indent-level 2)))

Make the variable buffer local so that it does not conflict with js-mode for JavaScript files.

I used M-x customize as mentioned here: How to change the indentation width in emacs javascript mode

It inserted '(js-indent-level 2)) into my .emacs file.

But thanks for the response anyway.

it's better to set tab width in the corresponding hook - find the name of major mode (for example, by using the M-: major-mode, and then define the hook where to set the value:

(defun my/json-mode-hook ()   (setq tab-width 4))(add-hook 'json-mode-hook 'my/js2-mode-hook)