How can I show text with html format in xamarin forms How can I show text with html format in xamarin forms json json

How can I show text with html format in xamarin forms

This should work for you

string htmlText = MyItem.Article.ToString().Replace(@"\", string.Empty);var browser = new WebView ();var html = new HtmlWebViewSource {  Html = htmlText};browser.Source = html;

Because Xamarin.Forms.HtmlWebViewSource.HTML expect a pure HTML. Using this you can create a Xamarin.Forms user control with the help of this article Cheers..!

In XAML you can do something like this:

<WebView>   <WebView.Source>      <HtmlWebViewSource Html="{Binding HtmlText}"/>   </WebView.Source></WebView>

You may also need to provide Height and Width of the WebView if it's not inside a Grid.

FYI, I've just added the ability to my Forms9Patch library to create labels and buttons where you can format the text via HTML. For example:

new Forms9Patch.Label { HtmlText =  "plain <b><i>Bold+Italic</i></b> plain"}

... would give you a label where the text has been formatted bold italic in the middle of the string.

Also, as an aside, it allows you to use custom fonts that are embedded resources in your PCL project without any platform specific work. And, you can use these fonts via the HTLM <font> tag or and HTML font-family attribute.

Here are some screen shots from the demo app:
