How to calculate the length of JSON values in php? How to calculate the length of JSON values in php? json json

How to calculate the length of JSON values in php?

The items you are trying to count are in a single string. First, you must break the string into items, then you can count them.

Take the json and make it into a php array

$jsonData = '{    "posts_id_en": "149968, 149939, 149883, 149877, 149876, 149847, 154303",    "posts_id_fr": "149974,149953,149926, 149920, 149901",    "episode_status": "3"}';$data = json_decode($jsonData, true);

then split the string with the delimiter ", "

$items = explode(", ", $data['posts_id_en']);

then count

echo count($items);

<?php$json = '{    "posts_id_en": "149968, 149939, 149883, 149877, 149876, 149847, 154303",    "posts_id_fr": "149974,149953,149926, 149920, 149901",    "episode_status": "3"}';$decoded = json_decode($json, true);$post_id = $decoded['posts_id_en'];$resultList = [];foreach($decoded as $key => $entry) {    $everyNumberAsArray = explode(',', $entry);        $count = count($everyNumberAsArray);    $resultList[$key] = $count;}var_export($resultList);

gives output:

array (  'posts_id_en' => 7,  'posts_id_fr' => 5,  'episode_status' => 1,)

to get particular values you use them this way:

echo $resultList['posts_id_en'] . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;

that gives you:


One simple way would be that we first json_decode, then validate numbers in our desired attribute, and count the matches:

$str = '{    "posts_id_en": "149968, 149939, 149883, 149877, 149876, 149847, 154303",    "posts_id_fr": "149974,149953,149926, 149920, 149901",    "episode_status": "3"}';$str_array = json_decode($str, true);preg_match_all('/(\d+)/s', $str_array["posts_id_en"], $matches);echo sizeof($matches[0]);
