How to check for presence of 'key' in jq before iterating over the values How to check for presence of 'key' in jq before iterating over the values json json

How to check for presence of 'key' in jq before iterating over the values

You can use the select-expression in jq to do what you intend to achieve, something as,

jq '.result   | select(.property_history != null)   | .property_history   | map(select(.event_name == "Sold"))[0].date'

Technically, to test for the presence of a property, you should use has/1, but in the present context, it would probably be better to use the postfix ? operator, e.g.:

$ jq '.result   | .property_history[]?  | select(.event_name == "Sold")   | .date'"08/30/2004"

The trick is to use // together with empty:

jq '.result.property_history // empty | map(select(.event_name == "Sold"))[0:1][].date'

Another alternative is to use an additional select:

jq '.result.property_history | select(.) | map(select(.event_name == "Sold"))[0:1][].date'