How to convert a list with same type of field to a data.frame in R How to convert a list with same type of field to a data.frame in R json json

How to convert a list with same type of field to a data.frame in R

You can use jsonlite.


Then use fromJSON() and specify the path to your file (or alternatively a URL or the raw text) in the argument txt:

fromJSON(txt = 'path/to/json/file.json')

The result is:

     floors elevation     bmi1         5        15 23.74832         4        12 23.76403         3         9 23.7797

If you prefer rjson, you could first read it as previously:

data <- rjson::fromJSON(file = 'path/to/json/file.json')

Then use and to convert the list to a dataframe:"", data)

Alternatively to use data.tables rbindlist() which is faster:
