How to create index on json column in MySQL? How to create index on json column in MySQL? json json

How to create index on json column in MySQL?

For indexing values stored in JSON, use a stored generated column.

In example, for indexing title and category of

{"title": "Some Title", "category": "Some Category", "url": "...", ...}

use something like:

CREATE TABLE listings (  id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,  title VARCHAR(255) AS    (data->>'$.title') STORED,  category VARCHAR(255) AS    (data->>'$.category') STORED,  data JSON NOT NULL,  KEY (title),           -- index title  KEY (category),        -- index category  KEY (title, category)  -- composite index of title & category);

Read more about MySQL as smart JSON storage :-)

JSON columns, like columns of other binary types, are not indexed directly; instead, you can create an index on a generated column that extracts a scalar value from the JSON column. See Section “Secondary Indexes and Generated Virtual Columns”, for a detailed example.

With MySQL 8.0.21 release it is possible to use this syntax:

CREATE TABLE inventory(items JSON,INDEX i1 ( (JSON_VALUE(items, '$.name' RETURNING CHAR(50))) ),INDEX i2 ( (JSON_VALUE(items, '$.price' RETURNING DECIMAL(5,2))) ),INDEX i3 ( (JSON_VALUE(items, '$.quantity' RETURNING UNSIGNED)) ));

and query using:

SELECT items->"$.price" FROM inventoryWHERE JSON_VALUE(items, '$.name' RETURNING VARCHAR(50)) = "hat";SELECT * FROM inventoryWHERE JSON_VALUE(items, '$.price' RETURNING DECIMAL(5,2)) <= 100.01;SELECT items->"$.name" AS item, items->"$.price" AS amountFROM inventoryWHERE JSON_VALUE(items, '$.quantity' RETURNING UNSIGNED) > 500;
