How to create JSON from an EAV table in SQL Server How to create JSON from an EAV table in SQL Server json json

How to create JSON from an EAV table in SQL Server

Try this one -

DECLARE @PeopleEav TABLE(      Id INT IDENTITY(1,1)    , EntityId INT    , [Key] VARCHAR(30)    , Value VARCHAR(100))INSERT INTO @PeopleEav (EntityId, [Key], Value)VALUES    (1, 'Name',   'Saeed'),    (1, 'Age',    '32'),    (1, 'Gender', 'Male'),    (1, 'Key1',   'Value1'),    (1, 'Key2',   'Value2')SELECT       t.EntityId    , JSON = STUFF((        SELECT ', ' + [Key] + ': "' + Value + '"'        FROM @PeopleEav t2        WHERE t2.EntityId = t2.EntityId        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '{ ') + ' }'                  FROM (    SELECT DISTINCT EntityId    FROM @PeopleEav) t--WHERE EntityId = 1

Output -

EntityId    JSON----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1           { Name: "Saeed", Age: "32", Gender: "Male", Key1: "Value1", Key2: "Value2" }

If you have Sql Server 2016 you can use FOR JSON. You can also use existing CLR libraries such as JsonSelect or Json4Sql.