How to decode a nested JSON with many unique keys in Swift? How to decode a nested JSON with many unique keys in Swift? json json

How to decode a nested JSON with many unique keys in Swift?

In this case I recommend to decode the JSON as dictionaries [String:[String]]

struct WeekendMenu: Decodable {    private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case brunch = "Brunch", dinner = "Dinner" }    let brunch: [String:[String]]    let dinner: [String:[String]]}

Enumerate the dictionaries, sort the keys to get the same order

let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(WeekendMenu.self, from: data)for key in result.brunch.keys.sorted() {    print(key, result.brunch[key]!)}for key in result.dinner.keys.sorted() {    print(key, result.dinner[key]!)}

Alternatively write a custom initializer to decode the dictionaries into a custom struct Category, the key becomes the name, the value becomes the dishes array.

struct WeekendMenu: Decodable {    private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case brunch = "Brunch", dinner = "Dinner" }    let brunch: [Category]    let dinner: [Category]     init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)        let brunch = try container.decode([String:[String]].self, forKey: .brunch)        let brunchKeys = brunch.keys.sorted()        self.brunch = { Category(name: $0, dishes: brunch[$0]!) }        let dinner = try container.decode([String:[String]].self, forKey: .dinner)        let dinnerKeys = dinner.keys.sorted()        self.dinner = { Category(name: $0, dishes: dinner[$0]!) }    }}struct Category {    let name : String    let dishes : [String]}