How to disable caching for i18next translation.json files? How to disable caching for i18next translation.json files? json json

How to disable caching for i18next translation.json files?

This is actually more tricky than it seems.I assume you're using the angular translate module.

I did cache busting where it loads the json files:

$translateProvider.useLoader('$translatePartialLoader', {        urlTemplate: 'AppScripts/i18n/{part}-{lang}.json' + '?cb=' + (new Date()).getTime()    });

That way it will never cache the language files, and will load the new ones on every request (without refreshing the page or clearing the cache).

The web config setting gets completely ignored, I believe because the way the plugin loads the files with ajax calls.Also, the json files can't be minified with .net bundling because the keys will change when compressed, so instead of "MAIN.FIRSTNAME": "First Name" you'll have something like "abc": "First Name" and it won't work since the views have the original names.

You can also use the version if you keep one, to bust the cache only when you release a new version, something like

    + '?v=' + myVersionVar

instead of using current timestamp which will always load the files on every request.

I've came across this same situation using the combo SPA + i18next + IIS, and noticed that sometimes the json files have not been updated.

The main reason why this becames weird at some point is that there is a big chance that you have changed the IIS's web.config settings AFTER the files have been already cached by Google Chrome, since the first time the file has been downloaded without any Cache-Control header.


The json files was not presenting the Cache-Control: no-cache header, so the after a 304 - Not Modified response, it started to use google chrome's local disk cache.


It was solved by

1) Cleaning the Google Chrome's cache at Network tab (clear all the cache also do the job)

enter image description here

2) Placing a web.config file at /locales/ folder with the following staticContent rules, and location without specify a path attribute:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>    <configuration>        <location>            <system.webServer>                <staticContent>                    <clientCache cacheControlMode="DisableCache" />                </staticContent>            </system.webServer>        </location>    </configuration>

As stated at the docs about the <location> tag:

path attribute

Using <location> with a missing path attribute applies the configuration settings to the current directory and all child directories.

In this case I've applied the rule specifically in the /locales/ folder, aiming to not interfere in caching for other static contents across the website, such as Images, JavaScript files, etc. The expected behavior may vary accordingly to your solution's needs.

I had a similar problem, I needed the translations file to be retrieved fresh after each build. A solution I found was to, first, add a plugin that allows the webpack build hash to be available on runtime (add this on the webpack.config.js file):


This will allow you to declare the hash anywhere on your app

const hash = __webpack_hash__;

Then, on your i18next.init(), on the backend section, I added the hash as a parameter to the request.


This way, the hash will be different after each new build, and on the first request after the build the most recent translations file will be retrieved, preventing it from using the cache.