How to do a JSON or RDF bulk import of data in Wikidata? How to do a JSON or RDF bulk import of data in Wikidata? json json

How to do a JSON or RDF bulk import of data in Wikidata?

WikiData is natively based on Blazegraph which is a triplestore. (The people who did blazegraph were aqui-hired by amazon to create Amazon Neptune).

The data storage engine of WikiData is available as WikiBase and there is a whole set of different tools available for this environment.

So it depends a lot on your environment and technology stack what might be suitable for you. IMHO your main task will be to translate from OntoWiki's view of the world to the one of Wikidata. You'll find an overview on WikiData's internal structure at (where i am the author)

Here is an example Triple as it is stored in multi-language format:

Example Wikidata entry