How to extract JSON output to dataframe? How to extract JSON output to dataframe? json json

How to extract JSON output to dataframe?

I prefer to use jsonlite for parsing JSON in R.

To parse the nested JSON list, you can do the fromJSON call inside an lapply.

jsonlite::fromJSON tries to simplify the result for you. But, as JSON is designed to handle nested data structures, you're often returned a data.frame of lists, so to get the data.frame you're after, you need to know which element of the list you want, and extract it.

For example

library(RDSTK)library(jsonlite)js <- coordinates2politics(Coords$Latitude, Coords$Longitude)lst <- lapply(js, jsonlite::fromJSON)lst[[1]]$politics#           type friendly_type                       name  code# 1       admin2       country                     Canada   can# 2       admin4         state                    Ontario  ca08# 3 constituency  constituency            Hamilton Centre 35031# 4 constituency  constituency                 Burlington 35010# 5 constituency  constituency Hamilton East-Stoney Creek 35032

To get the data.frame, you can construct another lapply to extract the elements you want, and then put it altogether with either a, rbind), or my preferences is with data.table::rbindlist(...)

lst_result <- lapply(lst, function(x){    df <- x$politics[[1]]    df$lat <- x$location$latitude    df$lon <- x$location$longitude    return(df)})data.table::rbindlist(lst_result)#            type friendly_type                                  name                   code      lat        lon# 1:       admin2       country                                Canada                    can 43.30528  -79.80306# 2:       admin4         state                               Ontario                   ca08 43.30528  -79.80306# 3: constituency  constituency                       Hamilton Centre                  35031 43.30528  -79.80306# 4: constituency  constituency                            Burlington                  35010 43.30528  -79.80306# 5: constituency  constituency            Hamilton East-Stoney Creek                  35032 43.30528  -79.80306# 6:       admin2       country                                Canada                    can 46.08333  -82.41667# 7:       admin4         state                               Ontario                   ca08 46.08333  -82.41667

Alternatively, to get more detail about each lat/lon you can use Google's API through library(googleway) (Disclaimer: I wrote googleway) to reverse geocode the lat/lons.

For this you need a valid Google API key (which is limited to 2,500 requests per day, unless you pay)

library(googleway)key <- "your_api_key"lst <- apply(Coords, 1, function(x){    google_reverse_geocode(location = c(x["Latitude"], x["Longitude"]),                           key = key)})lst[[1]]$results$address_components# [[1]]#                              long_name                           short_name                                  types# 1 Burlington Bay James N. Allan Skyway Burlington Bay James N. Allan Skyway                                  route# 2                           Burlington                           Burlington                    locality, political# 3         Halton Regional Municipality         Halton Regional Municipality administrative_area_level_2, political# 4                              Ontario                                   ON administrative_area_level_1, political# 5                               Canada                                   CA                     country, political# 6                                  L7S                                  L7S        postal_code, postal_code_prefix

Or similarly through library(ggmap), also limited by Google's 2,500 limit.

library(ggmap)apply(Coords, 1, function(x){    revgeocode(c(x["Longitude"], x["Latitude"]))})# 1 # "Burlington Bay James N. Allan Skyway, Burlington, ON L7S, Canada" # 2 # "308 Brennan Harbour Rd, Spanish, ON P0P 2A0, Canada" # 3 # "724 Harris Ave, San Diego, CA 92154, USA" # 4 # "30 Cherry St, Chinook, WA 98614, USA" # 5 # "St James Township, MI, USA" # 6 # "US-101, Chinook, WA 98614, USA" # 7 # "2413 II Rd, Garden, MI 49835, USA" # 8 # "2413 II Rd, Garden, MI 49835, USA" # 9 # "8925 S Shore Rd, Stella, ON K0H 2S0, Canada" # 10 # "Charlevoix County, MI, USA"

That json-list needs to be extracted. You really only have a result from your first coordinate:

sapply(json_file[[1]]$politics, "[[", 'name')[ # now pick correct names with logical        sapply(json_file[[1]]$politics, "[[", 'friendly_type') %in% c("country","state") ] [1] "Canada"  "Ontario"

You should have used apply to run all the coordinates one-by-one through the fromJSON(coordinates2politics( .,.) extraction since the function appears not to be "vectorized".

res=apply( Coords, 1, function(x) {fromJSON(coordinates2politics(x['Latitude'],                                                                  x['Longitude']) )} )sapply( res, function(x) sapply(x[[1]]$politics, "[[", 'name')[                             sapply(x[[1]]$politics, "[[", 'friendly_type') %in%                                                                 c("country","state")] )$`1`[1] "Canada"  "Ontario"$`2`[1] "Canada"  "Ontario"$`3`[1] "United States" "California"    "Mexico"        "California"   $`4`[1] "United States"$`5`[1] "United States" "Michigan"     $`6`[1] "United States" "Washington"   $`7`[1] "United States" "Michigan"     $`8`[1] "United States" "Michigan"     $`9`[1] "Canada"  "Ontario"$`10`[1] "United States" "Michigan" 

Apparently items near the border (like San Diego County or Chula Vista) will give ambiguous results.