How to extract values from JSONObject in android How to extract values from JSONObject in android json json

How to extract values from JSONObject in android

Hope this may help you

JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject(result);            jsonObject=jsonObject.getJSONObject("1");            Double lat=jsonObject.getDouble("latitude");            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),""+ lat, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Better create a valid JSONArray to make things easier. When you create the JSON string , don't append the index. I believe your are reading the data from sqlite and generating the JSON string.

Also change the outer { (curly brace) to [ (square bracket) to represent as Array element. So your json string will be like this

[{    "sno": "10",    "latitude": "31.249441437085455",    "longitude": "75.70003598928452"},{    "sno": "11",    "latitude": "31.249398442090207",    "longitude": "75.70003397762775"}]

Then , you can simply get its as JSONArray

JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonString);

And then read each element in array item

 for(int index = 0;index < jsonArray.length(); index++) {    JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(index); }

To get one of your inner JSONObject elements, you'll need to get it from the outer one using getJSONObject(String key).

Sample code:

JSONObject item1 = myJson.getJSONObject("1");//item1 now contains {sno:10,latitude:31.2...etc}//now you can get the individual values out of the resulting JSON Object//for example, getting the latitudedouble lat = item1.getDouble("latitude");