How to filter multidimensional JavaScript array How to filter multidimensional JavaScript array json json

How to filter multidimensional JavaScript array

There is no function for this in Javascript. You have to write your own function like this.

var arr = [{"nid":"31","0":{"tid":"20","name":"Bench Press","objectDate":"2012-02-08","goal":"rep","result":"55.00","comments":"sick!","maxload":"250"},"1":{"tid":"22","name":"Back Squat","objectDate":"2012-02-08","goal":"time","result":"8.00","comments":"i was tired.","maxload":"310"}},{"nid":"30","0":{"tid":"19","name":"Fran","objectDate":"2012-02-07","goal":"time","result":"5.00","comments":null}}];function filterByProperty(array, prop, value){    var filtered = [];    for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){        var obj = array[i];        for(var key in obj){            if(typeof(obj[key] == "object")){                var item = obj[key];                if(item[prop] == value){                    filtered.push(item);                }            }        }    }        return filtered;}var byName = filterByProperty(arr, "name", "Fran");var byGoal = filterByProperty(arr, "goal", "time");

The question is about multidimensional arrays. If you like me missed that here are solutions for normal arrays...


filteredArray = array.filter(item =>'Fran') > -1);


filteredArray = array.filter(function(item){    return'Fran') > -1);}

2012 version

var result = [];for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){    if (array[i].name === 'Fran')    {        result.push(array[i]);    }}

I would create a function for filtering :

function filter(array, key, value){    var i, j, hash = [], item;    for(i =  0, j = array.length; i<j; i++){        item = array[i];        if(typeof item[key] !== "undefined" && item[key] === value){            hash.push(item);        }    }    return hash;}

A more robust solution might be adding a filter method to the prototype:

    `This prototype is provided by the Mozilla foundation and     is distributed under the MIT license.`if (!Array.prototype.filter){  Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp*/)  {    var len = this.length;    if (typeof fun != "function")      throw new TypeError();    var res = new Array();    var thisp = arguments[1];    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)    {      if (i in this)      {        var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this        if (, val, i, this))          res.push(val);      }    }    return res;  };}

Then simply call:

function filterName (item, index, array) {  return ( === "Fran");}var result = object.filter(filterName);