how to format json string for aws with powershell how to format json string for aws with powershell json json

how to format json string for aws with powershell

  • You're passing a JSON string to an external program (aws)

  • Irrespective of how you constructed that string - directly as a string, or from an object / hashtable via ConvertTo-Json - as of PowerShell 7.1 - manual escaping of embedded " as \" is required, which, in turn requires escaping the preexisting \ preceding the embedded " as \\.

    • Note: None of this should be necessary, but due to a long-standing bug in PowerShell is - see this answer for details.

    • PowerShell Core 7.2.0-preview.5 now includes experimental feature PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing with an attempted fix, but, unfortunately, it looks like it will lack important accommodations for high-profile CLIs on Windows - see this summary from GitHub issue #15143. However, it would fix calls to aws.exe, the Amazon Web Services CLI.

# The JSON string to be passed as-is.$json = @'[  {     "Sensor":"{\"id\":\"880/2021-04-13\",\"attributes\":\"green\",\"Name\":\"SensorGreen\",\"state\":\"SUCCEEDED\"}",     "Source":""  }]'@# Up to at least PowerShell 7.1:# Manually perform the required escaping, to work around PowerShell's# broken argument-passing to external programs.# Note:#  -replace '\\', '\\' *looks* like a no-op, but replaces each '\' with '\\'$jsonEscaped = $json -replace '\\', '\\' -replace '"', '\"'# Now pass the *escaped* JSON string to the aws CLI:aws events put-events --entries $jsonEscaped --region "eu-central-1"  

ConvertTo-Json is for converting objects in PowerShell, not a string that you have tried to already write in Json. Your $Json variable produces this.


If you want to create the object in PowerShell and convert it to Json, then you can do this.

$RequestObject = [pscustomobject] @{    Sensor = [pscustomobject] @{        id = "880/2021-04-13"        attribute = "green"        Name = "SensorGreen"        state = "SUCCEEDED"    }    Source = ""}$Json = $RequestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compressaws events put-events --entries $Json --region "eu-central-1"

Your Json will look like this if you print your variable out.


Which I think is like the Json that the command is expecting. Not entirely sure why you need the strings escaping or the array. Here it is uncompressed.

{    "Sensor":  {                   "id":  "880/2021-04-13",                   "attribute":  "green",                   "Name":  "SensorGreen",                   "state":  "SUCCEEDED"               },    "Source":  ""}

Just noticed the powershell-2.0 tag. If you are using it, then you should do this instead to create your Json.

$Sensor = New-Object psobject -Property @{    id = "880/2021-04-13"    attribute = "green"    Name = "SensorGreen"    state = "SUCCEEDED"}$RequestObject = New-Object psobject -Property @{    Sensor = $Sensor    Source = ""}$Json = $RequestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress


If you absolutely must escape the strings in that way and have a single item array, then you should just pass the Json that you have written in your answer without any further conversion.


If you want to make PowerShell do that for you then you would need to perform some string replacement on the Sensor object first.

PowerShell 2.0

$Sensor = New-Object psobject -Property @{    id = "880/2021-04-13"    attribute = "green"    Name = "SensorGreen"    state = "SUCCEEDED"} $SensorJson = $Sensor | ConvertTo-Json -Compress$SensorJson.Replace("`"","\`"")$RequestObject = New-Object psobject -Property @{    Sensor = $SensorJson    Source = ""}$Json = $RequestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

PowerShell 3.0+

$Sensor = [pscustomobject] @{    id = "880/2021-04-13"    attribute = "green"    Name = "SensorGreen"    state = "SUCCEEDED"}$SensorJson = $Sensor | ConvertTo-Json -Compress$SensorJson.Replace("`"","\`"")$RequestObject = [pscustomobject] @{    Sensor = $SensorJson    Source = ""}$Json = $RequestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

Then your AWS command

# Add the array around the compressed Json events put-events --entries "[$Json]" --region "eu-central-1"

"[$Json]" prints
