How to free json_object? How to free json_object? json json

How to free json_object?

From the documentation:

void json_object_put    (struct json_object *this)  

Decrement the reference count of json_object and free if it reaches zero


You have to understand how the library works.

json_tokener_parse() is first, and it creates an object that will act as a memory managing parent that all objects which are created from it use to access the data they define.

So if you get all the way down to making a char *str for a string field, that field doesn't actually store the string, the original object returned from json_tokener_parse() does.

This is the reason that you can't just use a normal free() and expect things to work as if it was a char array or something.

To be safe, don't use the json_tokener_parse_ex() function because you will have to also free the object that is the tokener, with json_tokener_parse() you don't need that argument.

Beyond that, to safely close everything just do:

while (json_object_put(orig_object) != 1) {  // keep freeing}

You should only need to do that once, but the library may change.