How to get current number of viewers for specific live video with YouTube API? How to get current number of viewers for specific live video with YouTube API? json json

How to get current number of viewers for specific live video with YouTube API?

This is now possible with V3 of the YouTube API ... you request the videos object, passing in the videoID that represents the live stream, and ask for the "liveStreamingDetails" part. One of the parameters returned will be "concurrentViewers" -- for more info:

GET{YT ID}&fields=items%2FliveStreamingDetails%2FconcurrentViewers&key={YOUR_API_KEY}

You must get unique google api key (at first read here: ). After you can get any metrics (more read here: ). In my example i getting just one metric (concurrentViewers) where {YT ID} - youtube video id and {YOUR_API_KEY} - your api key.

It's not possible at this time. This kind of public informations are not share with the API YouTube.

From the @Jeff Posnick answer :

Unfortunately, while that data is available in a backend that the YouTube web interface can access, it's not exposed at all via any API (YT Data API v1/v2/v3 or YT Analytics API) at this time.