How to get request parameters from an encoded URL in Django? How to get request parameters from an encoded URL in Django? json json

How to get request parameters from an encoded URL in Django?

The Django request.GET object, and the request.query_params alias that Django REST adds, can only parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded query strings, the type encoded by using a HTML form. This format can only encode key-value pairs. There is no standard for encoding JSON into a query string, partly because URLs have a rather limited amount of space.

If you must use JSON in a query string, it'd be much easier for you if you prefixed the JSON data with a key name, so you can at least have Django handle the URL percent encoding for you.



can be accessed and decoded with:

import jsonjson_string = request.query_params['json']data = json.loads(json_string)

If you can't add the json= prefix, you need to decode the URL percent encoding yourself with urllib.parse.unquote_plus(), from the request.META['QUERY_STRING'] value:

from urllib.parse import unquote_plusimport jsonjson_string = unquote_plus(request.META['QUERY_STRING'])data = json.loads(json_string)

urllib ought to do it:

from urllib.parse import unquoteurl = "endpoint?%7B%0D%0A++%22foo%22%3A%5B%22bar%22%2C%22baz%22%5D%0D%0A%7D"url = unquote(url)print(url)

The above almost works, but the encoding might be incorrect, not sure:
