How to get the result value of Alamofire.request().responseJSON in swift 2? How to get the result value of Alamofire.request().responseJSON in swift 2? json json

How to get the result value of Alamofire.request().responseJSON in swift 2?

The accepted answer works great but with the introduction of Alamofire 3.0.0 there are some breaking changes that affects this implementation.
The migration guide has further explanations but i will highlight the ones related to the actual solution.

  • Response
    All response serializers (with the exception of response) return a generic Response struct.

  • Response type
    The Result type has been redesigned to be a double generic type that does not store the NSData? in the .Failure case.

Also take in count that Alamofire treats any completed request to be successful, regardless of the content of the response. So you need to chain a .validate() before .responseJSON() to hit the .Failure case.Read more about it here.

Updated code:

let url = ""Alamofire.request(.GET, url).validate().responseJSON { response in    switch response.result {    case .Success(let data):        let json = JSON(data)        let name = json["name"].stringValue        print(name)    case .Failure(let error):        print("Request failed with error: \(error)")    }}

For reference:

  • Xcode 7.3 (Swift 2.2)
  • Alamofire 3.3.1
  • SwiftyJSON 2.3.3

If you don't mind using SwiftyJSON library, here's a working example in Xcode 7 Beta 5 + Alamofire 2.0.0-beta.1 + SwiftyJSON (xcode7 branch)

Alamofire.request(.GET, url, parameters: params, encoding: ParameterEncoding.URL).responseJSON { (_, _, result) in    switch result {        case .Success(let data):            let json = JSON(data)            let name = json["name"].string        case .Failure(_, let error):            print("Request failed with error: \(error)")    }}


Updated SwiftyJSON git page

You can now achieve most of the required behaviour out of the box without the need for SwiftyJSON for example. My OAuthTokenResponse is a simple struct that is Codable. The Alamofire library 5.2.2 lets you respond using the 'responseDecodable'

If you have say a struct that looks like this:

struct OAuthTokenResponse : Codable{    var access_token:String?    var token_type:String?    var expires_in:Int?    var scope:String?}

And then in your network call (using Alamofire)

let request = AF.request(identityUrl, method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding.httpBody)    request        .validate()        .responseDecodable { (response:AFDataResponse<OAuthTokenResponse>) in                        switch response.result {            case .success(let data):                do {                    let jwt = try decode(jwt: data.access_token!) // example                    self.connected = true                    print(jwt)                } catch {                    print(error.localizedDescription)                    self.connected = false                }                            case .failure(let error):                    self.connected = false                    print(error.localizedDescription)            }                }

In the above code, the success case automatically deserialises your JSON using the decodable protocol into your struct. Any errors will result in the error case being hit instead.