How to import JSON file to Excel without coding? How to import JSON file to Excel without coding? json json

How to import JSON file to Excel without coding?

If you have PowerQuery in Excel (I think 2010+) then it's very simple and straightforward. Similar scenarios can be used to cover more complicated cases too. Just follow these steps:

  • On the ribbon bar, choose: Data => Get Data => From File => From Json
  • Select your Json file (input.json in this example)
  • In the opened Power Query Editor window and on the ribbon bar, choose: View => Advanced Editor and input:
let    Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("input.json"))in    Table.FromList(Source, Record.FieldValues, {"name","price","rate"})

or if you want auto-import without specifying column names, use the following block instead:

let    Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("input.json"))in    Table.FromList(Source, Record.FieldValues) 

Now on the ribbon bar choose:
Home => Close & Load
and you will see a beautiful imported table with all Excel functionality you like.