How to log exception stack trace in Json object with out breaking with log4j2 How to log exception stack trace in Json object with out breaking with log4j2 json json

How to log exception stack trace in Json object with out breaking with log4j2

In the log4j Patternlayout configuration you could use %enc{%ex}{CRLF} which is replacing \n and \r with respectively \\n and \\r.

Applied to you sample:


StrackTrace contains new line chars.. which is probably breaking the JSON...why don't you use getMessage() instead.

You could use the JSON library for this like so:

JSONObject object = new JSONObject();object.put("ID", idVariable);object.put("Exception", exceptionVariable);object.put("Priority", priorityVariable);object.toString();

or use :


for indentation (pretty print)

You can then use the object to pass it to a method for the Log4j logger

library for JSON found here JSON Library