How to parse JSON response in a built step in jenkins How to parse JSON response in a built step in jenkins json json

How to parse JSON response in a built step in jenkins

You didn't say what you're using the API for, but if you have the Groovy plugin, you could use JsonSlurper

Something like

import groovy.json.JsonSlurperURL apiUrl = "".toURL()List json = new JsonSlurper().parse(apiUrl.newReader())// do stuff with the json object

I'm not quite sure how you would take this and use it directly for conditional build steps during the execution of the job, though.

An alternative approach is to generate a set of jobs with the appropriate steps based on the API response, using the Job DSL Plugin. This sort of thing can be used for stuff like reading a list of SCM branches and generating jobs for each of them. That may or may not be what you're trying to do.

JQ is a JSON parser for bash. I have used it in the past and its beautiful.

You can download JQ to your Jenkins server, and then call JQ in your build step bash scripts