how to parse wordpress post_meta table values how to parse wordpress post_meta table values json json

how to parse wordpress post_meta table values

What I understand is:

There are two types of variables, for example:

  1. a:6:
  2. s:3:

a = array and 6 is the dimension of the array
s = string and 3 is the length of the string

Thanks a lot for Craig quick answer.

Used the unserialize method and got everything from the string.

Array(    [width] => 523    [height] => 523    [hwstring_small] => height='96' width='96'    [file] => 2010/11/tee1.jpg    [sizes] => Array        (            [thumbnail] => Array                (                    [file] => tee1-150x150.jpg                    [width] => 150                    [height] => 150                )            [medium] => Array                (                    [file] => tee1-300x300.jpg                    [width] => 300                    [height] => 300                )            [post-thumbnail] => Array                (                    [file] => tee1-523x198.jpg                    [width] => 523                    [height] => 198                )        )    [image_meta] => Array        (            [aperture] => 0            [credit] =>             [camera] =>             [caption] =>             [created_timestamp] => 0            [copyright] =>             [focal_length] => 0            [iso] => 0            [shutter_speed] => 0            [title] =>         ))

Here is the output, now can take any image from the wordpress post meta_data