How to properly format json to send over using RestClient How to properly format json to send over using RestClient json json

How to properly format json to send over using RestClient

You should put all your params in one params hash like this:

  params = {    recipient: { id: sender },    message: { text: text },    access_token: page_token  }  response = base_uri, params.to_json, content_type: 'application/json', accept: 'application/json'  p "this is the response #{response}"

According to documentation, you should merge you params and pass it in method as one object:

params = qs.merge(json)response =,                           params.to_json,                           content_type: :json, accept: :json)

This method expects 2 or 3 arguments. In this case the third argument is a hash { content_type: :json, accept: :json }. Since it is a last argument, you can omit curly braces.