How to read RAW JSON in Angular JS from HTTP get method, when response type is arraybuffer? How to read RAW JSON in Angular JS from HTTP get method, when response type is arraybuffer? json json

How to read RAW JSON in Angular JS from HTTP get method, when response type is arraybuffer?

Instead of expecting arraybuffer why not expect application/json all the time, then when you return your data that's supposed to create your pdf, do a base64 of the data, put it in a json object and return it to the client

Even when you throw an exception you still expect JSON. Your response from server side could be something like:

{    responseCode: // your response code according to whether the request is success or not,    responseMessage: // success or fail    data: // your base64 encoded pdf data(the data that if the request is successful will be returned), note it will be returned as a normal string} // I'm hoping you know how to base64 encode data

Then in your client side(Javascript), perform an if

if(data.responseCode == //errorCode) {    alert(data.responseMessage);} else {    // Unpack data    var myPdfData = // base64 decode(    // Do logic to create and open/download file}

You don't even need to decode the data, you just create a blob object, then trigger a download from the blob

If the responsetype is arraybuffer, to view it, you should convert it into a blob and create a objectUrl from that blob, and the download it or open in a new tab/browser window to view it.


$http.get('your/api/url').then(function(response) {var blob = new Blob([], { type: 'application/pdf' });    var downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);    $timeout(function () {        var link = document.createElement('a'); = 'SOME_FILE_NAME'+ '.pdf';        link.href = downloadUrl;;    }, 100);}, function(errorResponse){    alert(errorResponse.error.message);});