How to resolve eslint "Generic Object Injection Sink" error? How to resolve eslint "Generic Object Injection Sink" error? json json

How to resolve eslint "Generic Object Injection Sink" error?

You are searching for an ES lint error fix:

Here is the syntax for it

json [`${key}`]


const obj = {     eventName: 'Music event',     landingPic: 'landing.jpg',    eventPic0: 'pic0.jpg',    eventPic1: 'pic1.jpg',    eventPic2: 'pic2.jpg',    eventPic3: 'pic3.jpg',    artist: 'Elie'};// array of keys which need to  be readconst arrayOfKey = ['landingPic', 'eventPic0', 'eventPic1',  'eventPic2',  'eventPic3'];// let's read the value by a key in arrayarrayOfKey.forEach( key => {    const value = obj[`${key}`];    console.log(value);});

What its trying to say is that using this notation:

  • You are able to modify even prototype properties of the object which is considered dangerous
  • By being able to modify everything, you are also able to modify the constructor (method/function) so it may be injected and then exploited.

The subject is described analytically here, providing a simple example: