How to return JSON_ARRAY using an GROUP_CONCAT How to return JSON_ARRAY using an GROUP_CONCAT json json

How to return JSON_ARRAY using an GROUP_CONCAT

Extra CASTing AS JSON for the third argument of JSON_REPLACE fixes the issue :

SELECT JSON_REPLACE((                  SELECT JSON_OBJECT(                             'a', 'a',                             'b', 'b',                             'id', null                           )), '$.id',                          CAST( CONCAT('[', GROUP_CONCAT(                                            JSON_OBJECT('id', '123')),                                      ']') AS JSON )) as "Result JSON"
Result :
{  "a": "a",  "b": "b",  "id": [    {      "id": "123"    }  ]}


this is what you need JSON_ARRAYAGG

  SELECT JSON_REPLACE((SELECT JSON_OBJECT(                             'a', 'a',                             'b', 'b',                             'id', null                           )), '$.id',             (SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(JSON_OBJECT('id','123')))             )

if not using JSON_ARRAYAGG

  SELECT JSON_REPLACE((SELECT JSON_OBJECT(                             'a', 'a',                             'b', 'b',                             'id', null                           ))            , '$.id'            ,  (SELECT JSON_ARRAY(CAST(group_concat(JSON_OBJECT('id','123')) as json)))   )