How to return json object in javascript function? How to return json object in javascript function? json json

How to return json object in javascript function?

Like many others already correctly described, the ajax request runs asynchronous by default. So you need to deal with it in a proper way. What you can do, is to return the jXHR object which is also composed with jQuery promise maker. That could looke like

function getTags(level){    return $.getJSON("php/get-tags.php", { "parent": level });}

and then deal with it like

$(function(){    getTags('0').done(function(json) {        // do something with json    });});

You are trying to call an asynchronous function in a synchronous fashion.

When you call getTags, the it triggers a call to your PHP page, if javascript was blocking, then your page would hang until your server responded with the JSON. You need to re-think your logic and trigger a callback.

function getTags(level){    $.getJSON("php/get-tags.php", { "parent": level }, function(json) {        //do something with the JSON here.    });}

You cannot return from an AJAX call. It's asynchronous. You need to have all logic dealing with the returned data in the callback.