How to return json object with json array inside of it? How to return json object with json array inside of it? json json

How to return json object with json array inside of it?

There's 2 way to do it:

  1. If you want to keep your query, you must parse the data first before you parse it to json.
...function regroup_color($data = array()){  $ret = array();  foreach($data as $d){    $id = $d['id'];    if(!isset($ret[$id])){      $color = $d['color'];      unset($d['color']);      $ret[$id] = $d;      $ret[$id]['color'][] = $color;    }else{      $ret[$id]['color'][] = $d['color'];    }  }  return $ret;}$data = regroup_color($data);echo json_encode($data)...

Or you could just...

  1. make the query 2 part, first is for get all items, second is for get the colors for it
...$query = "SELECT * FROM items";// get the data here using query above$data = {{result of query}};foreach($data as $i => $d){  $id = $d['id'];  $query = "SELECT * FROM item_color JOIN colors ON item_color.color_id =";  // get the data here using query above  $colors = {{result of query}};  foreach($colors as color){    $data[$i]['color'][] = $color['name'];  }}echo json_encode($data)...

i wanted to add also category so this is what i came with

function regroup_color($data = array(),$data2 = array()){  // array that will hold our data and we will return it later$ret = array();// fetch the data as dforeach($data as $d){  //save the id   $id = $d['id'];  //make sure no id was set  if(!isset($ret[$id])){    // save the name of the color    $color = $d['color'];    unset($d['color']);    //save all the item data    $ret[$id] = $d;    // add color to color array    $ret[$id]['color'][] = $color;  }else{    // if wa alredy did all the above things just keep adding colors to color array    $ret[$id]['color'][] = $d['color'];  }}    foreach($data2 as $d){    //save the id       $id = $d['id'];      //make sure no id was set      if(!isset($ret[$id])){        // save the name of the color        $category = $d['category'];        unset($d['category']);        $ret[$id] = $d;        $ret[$id]['category'][] = $category;      }else{        $ret[$id]['category'][] = $d['category'];      }    }

return $ret;}

result :

"22": {"id": "22","title": "my products 515151","descreption": "5454545455","price": "0.05","quantity": "2","date_added": "2021-01-29 14:37:24","primary_image": "http://localhost/ecomerce/uploads/1611927444hat.jpg","color": [  "black",  "white",  "pink",  "red",  "yellow"],"category": [  "buttom",  "hats",  "shoes"]
