How to round, floor, ceil, truncate How to round, floor, ceil, truncate json json

How to round, floor, ceil, truncate

Some builds may lack those functions, but as far as I'm concerned floor is widely available; so, you can implement them using it.


def round: . + 0.5 | floor;


def ceil: if . | floor == . then . else . + 1.0 | floor end;


def trunc: if . < 0 then ceil else floor end;

In jq 1.6 you have access to round/ceil/floor functions

$ echo '{"mass": 188.72}' | jq ' .mass | round '189$ echo '{"mass": 188.72}' | jq ' .mass | ceil '189$ echo '{"mass": 188.72}' | jq ' .mass | floor '188$ 

For jq 1.5, here is the hack


$ echo '{"mass": 188.42}' | jq ' .mass + 0.5 | tostring | split(".") | .[0] '  -r188

Ceiling(may have to add more 9999s to increase precision):

$ echo '{"mass": 188.42}' | jq ' .mass + 0.99999999 | tostring | split(".") | .[0] '  -r189


$ echo '{"mass": 188.42}' | jq ' .mass | tostring | split(".") | .[0] '  -r188

jq's math builtins are enumerated in the Math section of the jq Manual. The current release is at;links to earlier versions are at the top.

Note that both jq 1.5 and 1.6 have builtins named round, ceil, floor and trunc: they are all 0-arity filters.


[5.52, 5.50, -5.52 ] | map(trunc)#=> [5,5,-5]

Earlier versions of jq have different sets of Math functions, e.g. jq 1.4 has floor but not the other three.