How to set up a GET-Response in Groovy using HTTPBuilder How to set up a GET-Response in Groovy using HTTPBuilder json json

How to set up a GET-Response in Groovy using HTTPBuilder

Here's how you can convert the XML response into a JSON object. Note: I added an additional issue to the XML response to demonstrate the output better.

import groovy.util.XmlParserimport groovy.json.JsonBuilderdef text = '''<issues> <issue>  <comment created="1277899067543" text="is it something wrong?" author="root"/>  <field name="numberInProject"><value>0</value></field>  <field name="summary"><value>susjs</value></field>  <field name="priority"><value>1</value></field>  <field name="description"><value>at at line 12</value></field>  <field name="created"><value>1277392628191</value></field>  <field name="updated"><value>1277399118476</value></field>  <field name="reporterName"><value>root</value></field>  <field name="updaterName"><value>root</value></field>  <field name="state"><value>Submitted</value></field>  <field name="subsystem"><value>No subsystem</value></field>  <field name="fixedInBuild"><value>Next build</value></field>  <field name="permittedGroup"><value>All Users</value></field> </issue> <issue>  <comment created="1277899067543" text="does this work?" author="root"/>  <field name="numberInProject"><value>0</value></field>  <field name="summary"><value>susjs</value></field>  <field name="priority"><value>1</value></field>  <field name="description"><value>at at line 12</value></field>  <field name="created"><value>1277392628191</value></field>  <field name="updated"><value>1277399118476</value></field>  <field name="reporterName"><value>root</value></field>  <field name="updaterName"><value>root</value></field>  <field name="state"><value>Submitted</value></field>  <field name="subsystem"><value>No subsystem</value></field>  <field name="fixedInBuild"><value>Next build</value></field>  <field name="permittedGroup"><value>All Users</value></field> </issue></issues>'''def xml = new XmlParser().parseText(text)def json = new JsonBuilder()json xml.issue.inject([]) {list, issue ->     def map = [:]    map.comment = [        created: issue.comment["@created"][0],        text: issue.comment["@text"][0],        author: issue.comment["@author"][0],    ]    issue.field.each {field ->        map[field['@name']] = field.value[0].children()[0]    }    list << map    return list}json.toString()

The pretty formatted output (thanks to TextMate) of json.toString() is this:

[    {        "comment": {            "author": "root",            "created": "1277899067543",            "text": "is it something wrong?"        },        "created": "1277392628191",        "description": "at at line 12",        "fixedInBuild": "Next build",        "numberInProject": "0",        "permittedGroup": "All Users",        "priority": "1",        "reporterName": "root",        "state": "Submitted",        "subsystem": "No subsystem",        "summary": "susjs",        "updated": "1277399118476",        "updaterName": "root"    },    {        "comment": {            "author": "root",            "created": "1277899067543",            "text": "does this work?"        },        "created": "1277392628191",        "description": "at at line 12",        "fixedInBuild": "Next build",        "numberInProject": "0",        "permittedGroup": "All Users",        "priority": "1",        "reporterName": "root",        "state": "Submitted",        "subsystem": "No subsystem",        "summary": "susjs",        "updated": "1277399118476",        "updaterName": "root"    }]

I transformed the XML into what I think is a more reasonable representation of the data.

To achieve your goal you can use a follow approach to work with json:

import http = new HTTPBuilder('')...http.get(   path : '/MyIssue-25',            contentType : 'application/json'        ) { resp, reader ->        // inside reader you've your json object in `net.sf.json.JSONObject` instance        println reader}

Take in account that query parameter of get() method it's optional, this parameter is used for query approach urls like, for this case the query parameter will be query : [ q : 'asd' ].

So returning to the code, in the reader object you've an instance of net.sf.json.JSONObject to work with, take a look at its API.

To show a little example I've a server at http://localhost/index.json which returns the follow json { "a":"a", "b": { "b1":"b1", "b2":"b2" }, "c":"c" } to work with I use the follow code:

import http = new HTTPBuilder('http://localhost')http.get(   path : '/index.json',            contentType : 'application/json'        ) { resp, reader ->        // cast the object it's not necessary... I cast it         // to have the method suggestions by IDE        net.sf.json.JSONObject read = reader        println read.get("a") // prints "a"        println read.get("b").get("b1") // prints "b1"        //...        // you can also use this approach         println read.a // prints "a"        println read.b.b1 // prints "b1"        println read.b // prints [b1:b1, b2:b2]}


I read again your questions, an seems for your description that you're trying to read the issues from YourTrack in a xml format. To do so the approach it's really similar to the json in this case the reader object is an instance of GPathResult take a look at the follow sample supposing that your response look like the one that you put in your question:

http = new HTTPBuilder('')http.get(   path : '/MyIssue-25',            contentType : 'application/xml'        ) { resp, reader ->        //  since your response is an xml now in reader you've GPathResult        // and now some samples on how to work with the response:        // get the text of each <field>        def fields = reader.issue.field*.text();        fields.each {            print "$it " // prints 0 susjs 1 at at line 12 1277392628191 1277399118476 root root Submitted No subsystem Next build All Users numberInProject        }        // another sample... get the name attribute value for the <field> elements        def namesAttr = reader.issue.field*.@name        namesAttr.each {            print "$it " // prints numberInProject summary priority description created updated reporterName updaterName state subsystem fixedInBuild permittedGroup        }        // find the <field> value for element which has attribute name="state"        def field = reader.issue.'*'.findAll {            it.@name == 'state'        }        println field.text() // prints submitted}

Also in this YourTrack operation seems that there are two query parameters (project and max) to use it you can add the query parameter to the get() method, i.e: query : [ max : '15' ].

Hope this helps,