How to solve circular reference in json serializer caused by Many TO Many hibernate bidirectional mapping? How to solve circular reference in json serializer caused by Many TO Many hibernate bidirectional mapping? json json

How to solve circular reference in json serializer caused by Many TO Many hibernate bidirectional mapping?

You can use @JsonIgnoreProperties("someField") on one of the sides of the relations (the annotation is class-level). Or @JsonIgnore

As @Bozho have answered to use @JsonIgnoreProperties, try this, it worked for me.

Below are my models with @JsonIgnoreProperties:

@Entitypublic class Employee implements Serializable{    @ManyToMany(fetch=`enter code here`FetchType.LAZY)    @JoinTable(name="edm_emp_dept_mappg",         joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="emp_id", referencedColumnName="id")},        inverseJoinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="dept_id", referencedColumnName="id")})    @JsonIgnoreProperties(value="employee")    Set<Department> department = new HashSet<Department>();}@Entitypublic class Department implements Serializable {    @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="department")    @JsonIgnoreProperties(value="department")    Set<Employee> employee = new HashSet<Employee>();}

In value attribute of @JsonIgnoreProperties, we need to provide the collection type property of counter(related) model.

You can also use Dozer mapping to convert a POJO to a Map and exclude fields. For example if we have two classes PojoA and PojoB having bi-directional relationships, we define mapping like this

<mapping map-id="mapA" map-null="false">  <class-a>com.example.PojoA</class-a>  <class-b>java.util.Map</class-b>  <field>    <a>fieldA</a>    <b>this</b>  </field>    <field map-id="mapB">      <a>pojoB</a>      <b>this</b>      <b-hint>java.util.Map</b-hint>  </field></mapping><mapping map-id="mapB" map-null="false">  <class-a>com.example.PojoB</class-a>  <class-b>java.util.Map</class-b>  <field-exclude>    <a>pojoA</a>    <b>this</b>  </field-exclude></mapping>

Then you define a bean setting the above dozer mapping file as a property.

<bean id="mapper" class="org.dozer.DozerBeanMapper">   <property name="mappingFiles">    <list>       <value>dozerMapping.xml</value>    </list>   </property></bean>

Then in the class that where you are serializing

public class TestClass{     @Autowired     DozerBeanMapper mapper;     public Map<String,Object> serializeObject(PojoA pojoA)     {          return ((Map<String, Object>), Map.class, "mapA"));     }}

Dozer manual here.