How to use VS Code debugger with webpack-dev-server (breakpoints ignored) How to use VS Code debugger with webpack-dev-server (breakpoints ignored) json json

How to use VS Code debugger with webpack-dev-server (breakpoints ignored)

From my experience (about 15 mins ago), if 'webpack.config.js' has a value for the context property, then that has to be accounted for for '.vscode/launch.json'.

For an example, if 'webpack.config.js' has the following:

module.exports = {  context: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),  entry: './index.ts',

Then launch.json needs that context ('src') too:

"url": "http://localhost:8080/","webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/src","sourceMaps": true,

I just updated/fixed my repo so now TypeScript breakpoints should bind.

I hope that helps.

For Webpack 4:
Install webpack-cli locally if you don't already have it installed (it has been pulled out of webpack).

Add the following VSCode debug configuration to your .vscode/launch.json (that's the file that VSCode opens when you click on the wheel icon in Debug view):

{  "type": "node",  "request": "launch",  "name": "build",  "program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/webpack-cli",  "args": [    "--config",    ""  ],  "autoAttachChildProcesses": true,  "stopOnEntry": true}

stopOnEntry will make debugger stop in the very first (shebang) line of webpack.js, like this:

VSCode debugger stops without any breakpoints

Old thread, but it still comes up in searches...

It feels like turning on "writing the generated code to disk" might be the solution here:As per, add this to webpack.config.js:

module.exports = {  //...  devServer: {    writeToDisk: true  }};